My Child at School
Our school ID is 14360
MyChildAtSchool (MCAS) is an online portal for parents/carers that enables you to view your child’s performance and send messages to school in real-time via the MCAS app or a web browser.
You can download the MCAS app via the following app stores:
- Google Play (Android)
- Apple App Store
The facility allows parents/carers to view attendance, grades, PP&R (homework), assessment, exams, timetable, class list, behaviour, KASH reports and announcements whenever the parent/carer wants, 24/7. As well as student performance data, the portal also provides general information about school, such as the school calendar and any important announcements. The service also displays if a teacher records your child attending an after-school session. Some of these features are not yet active but they will be added over time.
Online Payments
Priestnall School is a cashless school and we ask all parents and carers to use our e-payment method to pay for dinner money, trips, activities and other items. This can be done online using the My Child at School (MCAS) app or website.
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