Meet our SEND team

Within our SEND team, we have a SENDCo, SEND Lead, a number of specialist roles and Learning Support Assistants. Our SENDCo and SEND Lead work alongside the Heads of Year to monitor student progress and will ensure that your children have every opportunity to become the best they can be.

Our SEND Leads liaise with parents/carers, students and outside agencies to make sure that reasonable adjustments are in place to allow students to be fully included and supported in every aspect of school life.

Miss Warrington

Miss Warrington

Deputy Headteacher & Trust Director of Inclusion

Miss Warrington oversees the progress of students with SEND across the Trust and ensures that all staff recognise and respond to their duty to support young people with SEND. This involves ensuring that staff have the right training and knowledge and that we have the right provision in place to support our students.

Miss Griffin

Miss Griffin

Director of Inclusion

Miss Griffin oversees the progress and wellbeing of student with SEND across KS3 and KS4 in both mainstream and the resource base. This involves ensuring that staff have the right training and knowledge and that we have the right provision in place to support our all students. Miss Griffin works alongside the SEND Leads.

Miss Kennelly

Miss Kennelly


Miss Kennelly supports students in their transition from primary to secondary school and throughout their journey in Years 7, 8 and 9. Miss Kennelly is a key point of contact for parents and carers in KS3.

Mrs Bradbury

Mrs Bradbury


Mrs Bradbury supports students in their transition from KS3 to KS4 throughout their journey in Years 9, 10 and 11. She also helps prepare students for life after Priestnall. Mrs Bradbury is a key point of contact for parents and carers in KS4.

Miss Ng

Miss Ng

Year 9 SEND Lead

Miss Ng supports students in their transition from KS3 to KS4 throughout their journey in Year 9. She is a key point of contact for parents and carers in Year 9.