

At Priestnall School, we know that effectively assessing our students is key to them making the best possible progress.

Assessment is intrinsically linked to curriculum and teaching. In the classroom, our students are assessed through a range of strategies including, but not limited to, questioning, retrieval, written tests and skills-based assessments.

Assessment is not limited to specific points in each term, but instead done continuously to ensure we get as full and as accurate a picture of the progress of each child as we can. Assessment data is used to inform next steps in teaching and individual interventions as needed.

We report on the progress students are making three times a year through our KASH reports. These reports are emailed out to parents and carers and published on the MCAS App. Reports are also published on the BROMCOM Student Portal and shared with students in Tutor Time.

KASH Reports

KASH stands for Knowledge, Attitudes, Skills and Habits.

Progress in each area is determined by a student’s subject teacher as either 5 (concern), 4 (cause for concern), 3 (secure), 2 (enhancing) or 1 (excelling) compared to same-age-peer expectations.

Knowledge and skills descriptors for subjects can be found in the curriculum section of our website for the relevant year group.


At Key Stage 3 (Years 7, 8 and 9), alongside KASH scores, reports include the Foundation Stage Level that students are currently working at, the descriptors for which can be found here.

The amount of information on each report is gradually built up across subject areas over time. This allows students to focus on key areas for their development more easily. For this reason, the Foundation Stage Levels and Knowledge and Skills scores won’t always be given for all subjects at Key Stage 3, particularly in Year 7 and 8.


At Key Stage 4 (Years 10 and 11), alongside KASH scores, reports include teacher projections – the grade a student is predicted to get in their final assessments in Year 11.

These projections will often change as a student moves through Key Stage 4 depending on their attitudes and habits, and the impact these are having on their progress.

A video explaining how KASH reports work in the Laurus Trust can be viewed here.

In addition to this, a document explaining assessment at Priestnall School in more depth can be found here.


KS3 Foundation Stages Reference Guides

For information on your child’s foundation stage please view the below documents:

Useful Information