
If your child is to be absent for any reason, please text school, before 8.30am where possible, using the following number, ensuring that you include your child’s full name, form group and details of their absence:


You are required to text school each day if your child is going to be absent.

Appointments during the school day

Ideally, your child will attend appointments outside the school day, but if your child has an unavoidable appointment during the school day, please ensure you send an email with evidence of the appointment to [email protected] at least 24 hours in advance where possible.

Please ensure that your child knows what time they need to come to the Student Hub to sign out of school. In your email please detail:

  • student full name
  • form group
  • details of the appointment with evidence if possible
  • what time your child will need to leave school
  • whether they are being collected or if they will be making their own way to their appointment.